Monday 20 June 2016

Japan, Hokkaido Day 3 - Otaru

The holiday is coming to an end, and this is my first blog post of the holiday. What have I been doing! Haha, I'm already looking forward to the December holiday.

Supposed to go for skiing on our 3rd day, but I bought the tickets for Otaru on the wrong day, so since we haven't bought the bus tickets to skiing, 将错就错。The welcome pass comes with the otaru return tickets and a one-day subway ticket. The subway ticket can be used any time.

The snow that morning was damn heavy. Walked out of the hotel to the above image. I think it was the coldest day during the period we were in hokkaido.

Poor shoes can wet 
 My boots got wet, even though when I bought it they were supposed to be waterproof. Definitely not waterproof.

While finding out way to the place, we walked past this railway track and there was this uncle there shoveling. He was super nice, and he gave us a map and told us where to get nice sushi. He really went out of the way because he had to remove his gloves and all, get the map out for us and circle the place for us. He also suggested that we go to the bridge area later in the day when it is dark because it will be more beautiful with the lights. He even helped us to take a photo here.
 The Letao cake is worth trying. Soft and fluffy, and see my cup of hot drink. I hardly drink hot drinks in Singapore, but really couldn't take the cold weather.

I wonder was it because it was too cold so my eyes couldn't open, or is it because my eyes are really small. 
Musical Box Museum
The whole musical box museum is filled with...musical boxes! They have all kinds of musical box, from fairies to cats to build your own musical box - you can select your own box and music. However, the musical boxes there are really expensive. 
Sanrio Musical Box
So many cats
One big cat
 It is super difficult to choose one musical box and with the music you like since they have a lot of choices for you to choos fromm. I bought a piano musical box, which until now, I haven't opened yet.

We asked one of the staff there if he knew where the sushi place was, and he very kindly sent us out of the shop and pointed the way to us. Seriously, so kind!

Kani Don
 As I don't really eat raw food, so I ordered their Kani. Haha now after I came back from Japan, I'm eating much more sushi.
Eunice's sushi

Rainbow Ice-Cream
While make our way back to the bridge, although the weather was really so cold, how to not order their rainbow ice-cream. It's good except the last 2 layers of black sesame and matcha, haha but that is because I don't really like matcha and black sesame.

I think people will be thinking - wtf 1.4 degrees and you call it cold?!?! Haha, but it was really super cold, especially when the wind blew.
Before the sun sets
I jumped, I jumped, I jumped jumped jumped. Haha, luckily I didn't slip and fall, and break my crown.
After the sun sets
I think the view at night was super nice, especially since they had all these blue lighting. Haha, and I think I look damn nice in this photo.

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