Sunday 24 March 2013

100th Posts

Happy 100th Published Post!!! Yay!
Met Muihong yesterday (22/5) for dinner and while we were at Royce. Below is an agaration of one of our conversation.

*After asking the person to separate the chocolates into 2 bags*
Mh: Wah I think you became braver.
Me: Haha yeah.
Mh: Just now, I was surprised when you asked the person to serve dessert.

Makes my "social phobia" sounds quite bad but at least, I've improved! ~

Another incident that happened. I was a victim of group dyanmics during one of my psychology classes on Friday. Apparently somebody sent on annoynomous email to my prof (no idea how) and she was asking the class if we preferred closed book or open book. Somehow, I raised my hand for closed book and my prof had to ask me why and I stupidly said "no time to flip". Actually I was thinking more towards because open book didn't help during mid-terms but somehow "no time to flip" came out of my mouth. I felt damn stupid after that, I think even my prof think "wtf is she thinking" because she ask "so you rather keep everything in your brain and spill it out?" and I dumbly replied "yeah". After that when I recall, seriously, what was I thinking because no matter what, having something is better than having nothing. I suspect it's because of group dynamics cause people around me all wanted closed book so I think I kind of got psychoed? into closed book too. Or maybe I'm just not thinking. After that when I think of it, although I think it's really not useful during mid-terms but it may be different during finals and like I said previously, something is better than nothing. Anyway the decision was closed book cause more people wanted closed book. I really think it's group dynamics because the people who wanted to open book were in one area and the people who didn't want in another.

Omg, I hope the people are not thinking "OMG this stupid girl, why she don't want open book. A**!" and slap me in their mind.I'm sorry, really.

4 more weeks of school left. I really don't know who I should be sad or happy. Conflicted. 

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