Friday 29 March 2013

Happy Birthday Carissa!

Happy Birthday Carissa!!! (It's amazing how her favourite orange is my hated colour and my favourite pink/blue is her hated colours especially pink.)

The girl I met in JC. (I still remember I met her because during one of the bridging classes (the 1st one?) I went to ask if anybody is sitting beside her.)
The girl whom I have managed to keep in contact even after we went separate ways.
The girl whom I'm going to live with if we both don't get married. 

She has the eye bags that Koreans and Japanese love. 

Sunday 24 March 2013

100th Posts

Happy 100th Published Post!!! Yay!
Met Muihong yesterday (22/5) for dinner and while we were at Royce. Below is an agaration of one of our conversation.

*After asking the person to separate the chocolates into 2 bags*
Mh: Wah I think you became braver.
Me: Haha yeah.
Mh: Just now, I was surprised when you asked the person to serve dessert.

Makes my "social phobia" sounds quite bad but at least, I've improved! ~

Another incident that happened. I was a victim of group dyanmics during one of my psychology classes on Friday. Apparently somebody sent on annoynomous email to my prof (no idea how) and she was asking the class if we preferred closed book or open book. Somehow, I raised my hand for closed book and my prof had to ask me why and I stupidly said "no time to flip". Actually I was thinking more towards because open book didn't help during mid-terms but somehow "no time to flip" came out of my mouth. I felt damn stupid after that, I think even my prof think "wtf is she thinking" because she ask "so you rather keep everything in your brain and spill it out?" and I dumbly replied "yeah". After that when I recall, seriously, what was I thinking because no matter what, having something is better than having nothing. I suspect it's because of group dynamics cause people around me all wanted closed book so I think I kind of got psychoed? into closed book too. Or maybe I'm just not thinking. After that when I think of it, although I think it's really not useful during mid-terms but it may be different during finals and like I said previously, something is better than nothing. Anyway the decision was closed book cause more people wanted closed book. I really think it's group dynamics because the people who wanted to open book were in one area and the people who didn't want in another.

Omg, I hope the people are not thinking "OMG this stupid girl, why she don't want open book. A**!" and slap me in their mind.I'm sorry, really.

4 more weeks of school left. I really don't know who I should be sad or happy. Conflicted. 

Friday 22 March 2013

Taiwan Day 5 - Hello Kitty Cafe + Wufenpu + Raohe Night Market

10 Jan 2013
It's a day of eating, eating and more eating.

After breakfast in hotel, we went to search for more breakfast.Took the train down to Shandao Temple station. Exit from exit 5 and went to Huashan market

Went to this place, Fu Hang Dou Jiang (level 2), that is supposedly famous for this dou jiang you tiao. The queue was uber long when we reached there at 9-10 plus. The queue was all the way out to the staircase but luckily it moved fast.
My dou jiang you tiao
They had a variety of food but not knowing what to order, I just ordered dou jiang you tiao. The you tiao was nice, crispy on the outside, soft and fluffy on the inside. However, I think the dou jiang was meh~ i can't even finished it. Maybe it's me, cause I like my dou jiang sweet, I can't even stand those from jollibean/mr bean. Then again, even muihong didn't think it was nice so maybe it's not me.

Went to Hello Kitty Cafe after that.
Zhong Xiao Fu Xing (Exit 3), first alley after walking a short distance.

Before going to Hello Kitty Cafe, we went to shop around their underground shops and I bought 2 pairs of shoes there at 200 twd each, and after walking further down, there was a shoe shop selling 2 pairs for 300/350 (can't remember). Sian max.

Min Spending: 300 twd
Before I managed to finish snapping the menu, the person came to collect the menu, so I only managed this two pages.
Complimentry aka free pudding

Mine tiramisu


Muihong's chocolate cake
Before going to Hello Kitty Cafe, I was damn worried about the food taste because their online review sucks. However, after trying, I think it's not that bad. It's actually quite nice, especially the tiramisu. The latte was kind of bitter and the chocolate cake was too chocolaty but still good to eat.
In the toilet

In the toilet
What am I thinking when I took this picture, the whole hello kitty head was supposed to go in.

Then after that we walked to a nearby shopping mall to digest our food before we continue to eat.

We then went to Hu Xu Zhang for ru rou fan. It's at houshanpi (exit 1), you'll supposedly see the beard man logo when you exit.

Ru rou fan
OMFG, THIS IS DAMN GOOD. I think it's the nicest thing I've ate in Taiwan till then and it's damn cheap. Only 33 twd. Muihong and I each had 2 bowls. Damn fattening but worth it!

After that we went to wufenpu which was just opposite. I didn't buy anything from there though. The things aren't really that cheap, unless it's those on the rack, plus it's winter so not much to buy. Met weird overly friendly people there, who traumatise me.

After that we walked over to Raohe night market. Not easy to find but can always ask the locals.
This is good. Lots of flavours to choose from. We had mayo prawn/shrimp?
To be honest, looking at this picture, I have no memory of what is this. O.o

We had fried oreo. Yum yum.

I had my best buy in Taiwan at Rao He night market. I bought a pair of wedges for 90twd. Damn satisfying!

Before we headed back to our hotel, just had to get ah zhong mian xian.
I dont need to say more about ah zhong mian xian, it's like the most popular food in taiwan and it's really nice!

Apart from ah zhong mian xian, I still dabaoed 3 sticks of fried milk and cong you bing. My stomach almost exploded that night.20/3 

 For the rest of my taiwan post, click here.

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Last 6 weeks

Yesterday's advanced abnormal class was so fun!

Somehow, I have no idea why, yesterday's class seems exceptionally funny. Haha even the prof said some of us were very tickling. Plus I think the prof was in a good mood yesterday.

He taught us deep breathing yesterday cause he's the breathing master. It's to breath through the stomach. To be honest I still have no idea how to differentiate but I want to learn and get the hang of it cause I think it'll be good for me when I'm nervous. Maybe I should go take up qi gong.

I'll miss classes so much next time when I graduate!

Sunday 10 March 2013

Taiwan Day 4 - Jiufen + Shifen + Shilin

Woke up early as we had to leave the hotel by 9 to catch the taiwan railway train (TRA) at Taipei main station. The timetable online doesn't seem to accurately because we were suppose to be early but we when we bought the tickets the train was has already arrived and moving off in a few minutes. So we literally ran to the train.

Alighted at Ruifang station and took the bus to Jiufen. Forgot what's the bus to take but Taiwanese are super friendly so can just ask them.

Once again, it was a rainy day in Taipei, sucks to be raining when you're travelling.

Jiufen is like a street with lots of tu chan of Taiwan.

Went into Sophisca which sells interesting sweets and chocolates. 
Condom Chocolate

Sanitary pads? or not.
It's a mistake to enter this shop. Enter up spending close to 10000twd on chocolates and sweets. They're too cute and good for souvenirs. I only bought 1 chocolate condom from the interesting chocolates shown above and it's still with me. Haha, I have no guts, I don't know who to give. Wanted to give to my brother or cousin or friend but awkward.
You can add red bean or green bean into the dessert. I don't like beans so I didn't add but I think you should add cause it will give it more taste. If only the weather wasn't that cold, then I would have eaten the cold one.
Before leaving jiufen, went to get huang li su and tai yang bing from li yi tai yang bing. Their tai yang bing is damn good!!! Buttery and nice. Super love. 300twd for one box of tai yang bing (10) and 250twd for one box of huang li su (10). Actually there's one stall at taipei main station too so don't have to get at jiufen. 

I left Jiufen with 1 big bag of sweets, 1 big bag of mochi and jellies and 1 big bag of huang li su and tai yang bing. Imagine how heavy they were. Totally a torture. In my mind I was thinking, how the f am I'm going to carry so many things to shifen.

Went back to the train station to take the train to shifen. Imagine my happiness when I saw lockers! 50twd per locker. Stuff all the shit into the locker and I left a huge burden in jiufen. Bought the train tickets but there was still a long time till our train came so went to sit down for a rest.

Tea egg
Saw tea eggs and decided to buy 1 which became 2 after tasting 1. They're only 8twd each. Damn good for warming the hands on a cold,rainy day. Eversince I poured bubbletea into bag, my gloves has been left to dry in the hotel toilet but somehow, they just don't dry.
Pingxi train timings

Pingxi train timings


Of course when you're at shifen, you have to fang tian deng. It's a must.
They have different colours that symbolizes different things. You can have a mix and match of 4 colours (They have already pre-matched the colours though, so can only choose the combination that fits you while).
100 for 1 colour, 120 for 2 colours and 150 for 4 colours. 
I got the red (health and safety), green (money and smoothness in life), peach red (happiness) and peach pink (tao hua & ren yuan).

With limited chinese, most of the things I wrote on my tian deng is from their provided words.
Please make my wishes come true!!!

Dan Zhu Qi Shui - 25
Tried dan zhu qi shui. I remember this drink from sj-m variety show. The uncle selling was very nice, he still ask if I know how to open. Fun to open. Should try at least once.There's a marble inside which I tried to get it out but couldn't. I think you have to break the bottle.
Bamboo - 30twd
Only tian deng is not enough. Need to make wishes using bamboo too.

Would have loved to visit the waterfall but it was late and rainy. Next time! 

After that went back to ruifang station to switch to the TRA back to Taipei main station. We were rushing like mad women again, after we got back, realized the ticket is for 5? mins later and we had to get our things from the locker and rushed to the platform.

Went back to the hotel to drop our stuff before we headed to shilin night market.

Shilin has 2 areas, one for shopping, one for food. We had a hard time looking for the food area actually.

This is damn good! Although having to eat the chicken buttock is abit weird, but it's good.

Fried Milk - 20twd
I like fried milk!
Fried Oyster
The oysters are nice.

We had the zai ji pai too but no pictures. Their ji pai is really huge but has bones.
Ice Cream Popiah

Before going back to the Hotel, got popiah ice cream at Ximending. Love the ice cream popiah too.

It's damn funny cause I think these stalls  are actually 'illegal' so suddenly you'll see them all disappear and few minutes later, they'll all appear again. 

My appetitie was really bad the first few days in Taiwan. Haha okay, bad appetitie if you look at how i normally eat. I blame it on jet-lag!

For the rest of my taiwan post, click here

Wednesday 6 March 2013


Somebody once said my paper always have food stains. It's true!

Random post to keep my blog alive.

If only there's no such thing as exam.