Thursday 14 January 2021

January Doctor

Starting off the year with...a doctor trip. 

Finally got to see my GP today. The last 2 days I went also at 4.30 and 4.20 but they were closed for registration. 

So went to my GP because there is a little bump on the surgery site and it's still there even after one month. I think initially he wanted to ask me to go back to the surgeon because he asked if I had a open date but I said he discharged me after he removed the stitches. 

The GP trip was a deja vu of the first time I went to consult about the lump. 

- the GP asked me if I wanted to take vaccine 
- the GP said it wasn't serious 
- the GP asked what was I concern about 

Like same questions same things happening...
Haha and he tried to squeeze it also and this time got blood coming out. 

I wonder if he got a shock by the long wound 🤔 

Anyway he said it's a stitch granuloma and asked me not to do anything to it. Except maybe I can put the antibiotic cream. So since I still have the previous cream, I can continue using it. 

I asked him how long will it take to go away, he said don't know. I guess I will give it one month, or maybe until March holidays. If still doesn't heal maybe I will go back to the GP or give the surgery clinic a call. 

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