Sunday 20 December 2020

scar scar scar

I kept telling myself, telling people, its okay. 

I'm thankful that despite the operation, my operation was considered a small operation and the pain was much less and much more bearable than many other people or other type of operations. It is also not like cancer where after the operation I have to go for further treatment that have terrible side effects. 

I really feel that way especially when I watch medical shows or dramas and I see the pain that people underwent. I am thankful.

But I really think, because of the location of the scar, I really cannot get over the scar. Everytime it hurts (think because of the nerve growing) it reminds me of the scar. Everytime I brush my teeth and look into the mirror I see the scar. Doesn't help that I am left handed so I always lift my left hand and then I will see the scar. And the scar is not like something I can cover up with my clothes because it is located at the forearm. Unless I go wearing long sleeves everyday. Wear my hoodie. 

It's just a scar, but comestically is so ugly. At this moment, I really cannot get over it.

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