Why does people ask me, or the people who are shy/introverted, "why you so quiet?", not like we will ask them, "why you so noisy?". Why does being quiet seem like a sin now. Usually I'm not really bothered because I am really very shy and not talking but I kind of got bothered by the statement yesterday because I think I've been trying to be more vocal but yet people are still passing this comment. I think if they see the past me, haha the now me won't be quiet anymore.
I think recently in school I have become braver. Maybe it is nothing to others but I think for me, seeing how I was in Uni, I think it's quite commendable. Minus the times when we were forced to talk, I have been trying to voluntarily talk more during class. I think I was quite amazed by myself on Monday during one of the class and we were supposed to share, then when my groupmate said she is not sure so not able to share, I voluntarily shared. Haha, but I think that was the only time. Next week I will try harder. :/ Along the way I tried to raise my hands and answer questions too. I think some lecturers I dare to do it more but some I still don't really dare yet. My thinking process is damn funny, I will be thinking in my head "Okay if nobody raise hand then I will raise hand." Then maybe the thought will repeat for 3-5 times before I finally raise my hand or sometimes I raise my hand so short nobody can see. During group discussions, I have been sharing more unless the question I really don't know how to answer, because my processing time is slower so I really need more time to think.
Maybe it is nothing to any other student but I think for me, this small step can be something that I can be proud of and commend myself for.
Actually I have been thinking why I am able to be more vocal now. I am not sure if my previous school has made me more vocal, or sometimes the content I am more comfortable with it, or the people here are generally nice so I feel more comfortable to share?
When I'm scare, one thing I will do is avoid eye contact. Then kenna shoot, autistic.
I am trying but give me time.
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