Saturday 25 July 2015


Today I got abit upset, maybe abit more upset, because I got notified that my hall will be a double room and there won't be air-con either. Totally opposite of what I chose. Boohoo.

I'm okay with no air-con, I chose air-con because online mentioned that those air-con halls are the newer ones built for YOG so they will have better amenities. But why they didn't give me a single room :'(. My personality is super anti-social so I'm super concerned about living in the same room as a stranger. I think it will be very awkward. The only time I stayed with in a hostel with someone else, was in Korea, and that was with a friend from Secondary school, but now staying with a total stranger will be testing my limits. Plus with someone else in the room, there will be a super lack of privacy. Haha, cannot change clothes in the room and more or less will have to worry about the belongings inside too I think.

Another thing I'm concern about is common toilet. That will be super troublesome, even when going overseas for a few days, I would mostly only stay in places with private toilet. I think I will become constipated from staying in the hostel.

Nonetheless, I shall not worry too much now and try out hostel with an open mind. Anyway I'm considered lucky because I have a home that welcomes me back (I assume), so there is somewhere I can go if I really find hostel unsuitable. Anyway I believe strongly in fate, or that everything happens for a reason. So I guess fate wants me to stay in hall for a reason, maybe I'll make more friends!!!

Thursday 9 July 2015

The 'Big Day'

Signed myself to my boss today. My youth.

Hope things will continue to go well and I continue to be happy!

Sunday 5 July 2015

Who Are You

Just finished watching Who Are You: School 2015. The drama is not bad, has romance and mystery and a little bit of humour. It depicts some of the problems students faced in school such as bullying, academic stress from parents and friendship. Thanks Karen for the recommendation!

Once of the most played song in Who Are You, very catchy song but the lyrics of the song is so sad but sometimes yet so true. 

There’s an empty world deep in my heart, save me
I wanna reset , I wanna reset , I wanna reset
Lonely eyes trapped in darkness
Is there anyone to hold my hand?
I wanna reset , I wanna reset , I wanna reset

Someone somewhere will know my miserable heart
It’s right in front of me but I can’t find it like a oriole bird
I’m flying around by myself in this darkness, in my lonely night
I’m flying around by myself in this darkness, with a miserable heart
Why don’t you know? Even if I’m a small existence
Don’t trample on me but go with me
Your careless words and actions break me down
It corners me, though you deny it
I’m hiding behind the ridicule, don’t look for me

There’s an empty world deep in my heart, save me
I wanna reset , I wanna reset , I wanna reset
Lonely eyes trapped in darkness
Is there anyone to hold my hand?
I wanna reset , I wanna reset , I wanna reset

It’s just a passing wind
I try shouting at the person next to me
But only silence is looking at me
I am walking too but why are they getting farther apart?
Why am I standing here alone?
Why is only my world stopping?
I see them fading away farther and farther
I don’t care if it’s just one person, please look back, please hold my hand
I don’t care if it’s just one time, please hold my hand
Someone please stop for a moment

There’s an empty world deep in my heart, save me
I wanna reset , I wanna reset , I wanna reset
Lonely eyes trapped in darkness
Is there anyone to hold my hand?
I wanna reset , I wanna reset , I wanna reset

Your smile that’s not ridiculing me
Finds me again from disappearing
In the darkness, your smile
Shines brightly into my heart
I wanna reset , I wanna reset , I wanna reset
Your smile that’s not ridiculing me
Finds me again from disappearing
In the darkness, your smile
Shines brightly into my heart
I wanna reset , I wanna reset , I wanna reset

How about you
I`m all about you
I wanna go back to the beautiful days

I’m left alone like this, loneliness
Please hold my hand right now
I wanna reset
I wanna reset
I wanna reset
The truth is hidden by scars
I wanna go back to the happy place
I wanna reset
I wanna reset
I wanna reset

Lyrics from here