Sunday 25 January 2015

Funnies 9

Me: Hi-5
Student gives hi-5
Student: Ouchee

xxx: We roll her into a ball and then we kick her.
Me to Eunice: She say they want to roll me into a ball and kick me.
Eunice: Ask her to tell me when they do that, I also want to roll you into a ball.
Me: -_-"

Student: *Keeps looking at one direction* Baby
Me: Where's the baby. There is no baby here.
Student: Baby
Me: No baby here *getting a bit freaked out*
 ~Second day~
Student: Baby
Me & mentor: There is no baby here.
Me: Omg, second day he is saying there is a baby here.
After I went to another student walked back to them...
Mentor: There is really a baby. At the drinks stall. 
 ~Kids are really super observant. ~

Sunday 4 January 2015

Sydney Day 6 - Blue Mountain with Oz Trails

Our last full day in Sydney. :(

Booked our Blue Mountain tour with Oz Trails at $79. It looks like they updated their website and the information looks so much neater and more informative now.

Meeting time was at 8am at our hotel and when we were there the tour guide was already at the lobby. Very punctual! Haha, from the start I knew that he was a joker. When we were leaving the hotel the hotel door kind of close on us and he acted shocked all the way till we boarded the bus.

Haha so our tour guide was Jason. The Jason family. He's really very humourous, hence he was very entertaining during the whole tour.

Stop by Nepean River for them to collect the tour fees but we also get juices and cookies. Their raisins cookies are super delicious. 
Then we were off to Blue Mountains. First stop was at one of the look out.
Something you will never get to see in Singapore. Jason will help with you with photo taking there.
Fall off the cliff and goodbye world.

Next up went for a long hike (exaggeration) to see the waterfall.

I think there's people walking at the waterfall but we didn't get the chance to.
Our Tour Guide!
 He was explaining to us about the plants there such as the medicinal value of the parts of the plants. Even when we were walking to get down to the waterfall, he would talk about the trees/leaves we see along the way.
On the way up
It was a long way up. Haha when we were walking down, my brain was thinking "omg, the further we walk down, the more we have to walk up later."

After the walk, I wanted to take picture of the signs but I was too lazy to walk there and I took the photo by zooming from far.

Then it's time for lunch.We went to the cafe introduced by our tour guide and he mentioned that there is a discount of you quote oztrails or his name.
I forgot what is this
Their presentation of food is very unique and big portion too. Tastewise, not the nicest but still not bad.

We paid $35 for the rides at Scenic World. There are 3 different types of rides and the ticket allows unlimited rides.
My favourite ride!

Hold on tight!

I'm really damn stupid. After climibing up, I couldn't get down. I pulled my leg muscle while coming down.
 We were suppose to look out for these birds but ended up didn't see any so picture will do.

We only managed to take each ride once before it was time to go. So actually it was quite rush. If I were alone I would have taken the ride up down up down 100 times lol. 

Drove past Sydney Olympics Stadium for a toilet break before driving off to the harbour to take the cruise back to central area.

So what do I think about the OzTrails: Initially we were reconsidering if we wanted to go with this one day tour because of the bad reviews on tripadvisor. However, we realized that every agency has their fair share of bad reviews and the price for this is really the cheapest. The tour is kind of rush to me because their isn't really much time to explore on your own and we only got to take the rides once each, but I guess all tours are like that since there is really so much to cover in such a short time. Personally, I still think it is quite worth it but it is also because we got a very good tour guide who is very entertaining and knowledgeble (ASK TO JOIN THE JASON FAMILY!). 
Happy faces
Sad Faces


Nice views while cruising. However, the cruise is really long, I can't remember exactly how long is the ride but I'm guessing along the line of 1-2hours.

When we returned, saw my favourite spring roll. I had to get one for snack even though we were eating dinner soon since it's my last night sydney already. Really love the spring roll.

After that it was time for dinner at Pancakes on the Rocks at their first stall at The Rocks. This outlet was a lot more crowded than the one at darling harbour. Luckily, we didn't have to wait to get a seat.  
Guess what happened after we ordered our food. My nose started bleeding, not sure if it's the lag from the plane ride or just heaty.
My Crepe

Muihong's Crepe
Honestly, I forgot what I ordered already. It was unique though, because I'm used to the dessert sweet kind of crepe and not this type of savoury crepe.

After dinner went to Guylian Cafe for Muihong voted best hot chocolate ever.
Happy Face

Sad Face

Angry Face

We chartered the whole train for ourselves since it the last night!Haha, kidding, their train is really super empty. Singapore, why your train so pack everyday.

For the rest of Australia Sydney's post - click here