Thursday 21 November 2013

Happy Birthday Karen!

Happy Birthday Karen!!! 

Our last Eskimo together in NUS. The girl who made JC and Uni less lonely! :) 

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Japan, Tokyo - Disneysea

Despite my old age, I have never been to disneyland so I was very excited to go to disney something! 
After getting my minnie hair band, rushed to go get the fast pass for the toy story ride. Had a hard time trying to find the place though. In the end, the fast pass was at 9 ++ pm -_- so ended up queuing for the ride.

Nice decorations to entertain you while queuing. Although queuing still sucks because I was stuck there for more than an hour.
Selfie to entertain myself too.Yes, fml. I was wearing my hair band on the wrong side. For how long, I have no idea.

The toy story ride was quite good! Not scary yet fun!

Most of the people at Disneysea are very enthusiastic, they'll always be waving at you. This applies to both people working there and those their to play. If you're on the tram, the people walking who sees you will wave at you. Being influenced by their enthusiasm, I started waving too. 
Minnie Mouse Ice Cream
My 600yen minnie mouse ice cream, apple flavoured. Everything is expensive in disneyland but too cute to resist. They have mickey ones too but it's orange flavoured.
Saw Mr and Mrs Incredibles during ice cream break. Everyone rushed to them for photos and signatures. Haha, so that's him looking for his wife lost among the crowd.

In a desperate attempt to take a photo with Mrs Incredibles, I actually asked a stranger to take the photo for me.
I forgot what his name is. He's so cute chasing the duck.

Went to watch the shows.. Disneysea has quite a lot of shows, so if you don't dare to take rides (like me), at least you have shows. 
This was quite good, the rhythm of the music and the acrobatics.
Dancing with mickey and friends
Usually you have to ballot for this show. However, I didn't have, most likely because it's a Wednesday so it wasn't as crowded.

When I left the auditorium, it's time for PARADE!

My new found favourite disney characters!

Being able to watch the parade for the first time in my life made me very happy and touched. :')
Home for little mermaid
Inside the Aladdin? ride:

As you can see, it started raining. I was super sad because I went to ask one of people working there if there will be fireworks tonight and she said no.

So went to queue for one more toy story ride.
It looks so much nicer and vibrant with the lights at night.
After the ride, guess what I saw?
I first heard something going out there and I realized there's another parade/show!!! After the show, went to have a look at the souvenir shop and they were showing fireworks that night! Woohoo! So happy I stayed long enough to see the fireworks!
Even their plant is mickey-shaped!
Goodbye Disneysea!

Thursday 7 November 2013

Funnies 6

Me: You all know the teacher who brought you all here? 
Girl: oh, the handsome teacher? 

Girl: Teacher, can you use your phone and take photo of us? 
Me: why? 
Girl: You can take photo of us and show your husband.

Girl: Teacher are you married? 
Me: why? How old you think I am?
Girl 1: I think poly 
Girl 2: I think sister 
Me: so how old is that? 
Girl 1: like 28 years old
Me: -_-

Girl: teacher, why you're always smiling? (She judged me based 5 mins of meeting me.) Do you ever get angry?
Me: I seldom get angry.
*shows the monster side of me* 
Girl: Teacher are you angry? 
Me: Yes!!! 
Girl: Teacher, I thought you say you never get angry. 

*after making me angry*
Girl: Teacher, will forgive me? 
How to stay angry at kids???!!

Me: *leaving* Bye! 
Girls: Teacher give me hi-5. 

Boy: am I a good boy? 
Me: yes, you are a good boy.
Boy: am I a good boy or all of us are good?
Me: you are all good boyssss! 

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Suay day

Today is a damn suay day. 

In the morning, I waited at least 1/2 hour for a cab. Wtf. Which made me damn late for my appointment. I think I have never been so late before. Then I feel so bad towards the teacher, the boy and his parents. But the boy is ultra cute. Must apologize again, sorry!!! 

Then just now while I was getting into the cab, I hit my head on the cab. 

Just 5 mins ago, I hit my leg on the table.

Rahh, I have used up all my suayness for this year and next. So good things will come.