Friday 17 March 2017

Ranting again...

Can I work by bringing my nephew to the zoo everyday...

Everytime something happen, I get so angry, and I feel like my motivation is slowly being drained away.

Sometimes I wonder if it is just me who cannot handle it. But when other people before me, and also the c who just came in and also feel that is too much,  then I don't think it's me.

Plus coming from two previous s that doesn't work this way, it makes me feel even more sian why I have to do all these and it takes up so much time, and all the ding dong process. A simple questionnaire to be done by the t can get so complicated in this place. My time that should have been spend doing l and planning l, end all doing all this stuff. And because I still have to do the l, I end up bringing so much of these home and staying so late. When I compare the processes and paper work in my past 2 s...or I compare it with others...I'm just like...

Haha...maybe I should stop comparing...but can't help it. But I'm thankful that at work I have people to rant to and outside of work too.

14 months to go...Haha maybe I can lose weight in this job then?